
the creator

Jeannine is 34 years old and she often works in Hilversum as a nanny and teaches yoga at the health center 'Voel je lekker in je vel', in Maarssen. Her high school was the 'A. Roland Holst College' and she has many fond memories of this period in her life.

After the 'Fotovakschool' in Amsterdam she fell into a depression that lasted at least 5 years. She is now doing well again and is eager to share what helped her feel better again. It turned out that hope and trust that things will be okay again were the most important things.

Being depressed doesn't define you, for her, it was a ‘thinking thing’ and why can't life just have its ups and downs? By going through the difficult part she now experiences the happy moments even more intensely.

‍Jeannine was born in 1989 in Hilversum, where she also grew up with her 2 sisters, parents, and grandparents in a family home on the Nassaulaan.

She now lives in Nederhorst den Berg with her boyfriend Sylvester and dog Chester.

Life has become a lot more dynamic in its simplicity. Sincerely happy with less. If you ask her friends to describe her, they will say Jeannine is caring and sometimes a little indecisive. She is a family person, after 6 months in Australia as an au pair she came running back to her mother, crying !

From party animal and shopaholic to forest walks and a shitload of teas! Her goal is to connect with more people in an authentic way.

Here we share heartfelt stories of spiritual growth and awareness. May it support you on a loving path, to who you truly are.


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Are you willing to take a closer look at yourself and change habits that no longer seru?

Then your time here is well spent!